21 May, 2008

Review pages going live soon!

Just a quick blurb while I get everything together. Pages are up now for my reviews of music, movies, and books. Check the links to the right. Everything will be rated from 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the most awesome, and 1 being total suck. Half-stars are totally possible. Books will be the most infrequent, as many things tend to eat in to my reading time. Movies will be on an as-I-see-them basis. At the moment, this means more DVD reviews than theater reviews. Music will be at least once a week, as I will try to cover several major album releases weekly, as well as new music I pick up.

First reviews will be going up as soon as I can get them typed up. I've got 5 albums and 2 movies for you, and I will be getting those up tonight, even if I have to miss out on a little sleep to do it. That stuff's overrated anyway.

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